Estos americanos...

Acaban de publicar este súper-mega práctico libro:

How to Build a Robot Army: Tips on Defending Planet Earth against Alien Invaders, Ninjas, and Zombies

With the advice contained in this brilliantly illustrated book, readers can build their own robot army to fend off hordes of bloodthirsty foes. From common-sense injunctions to tactical pointers, this book contains all the information on how to fend off the coming apocalypse.
PD: Su autor ha publicado otros del palo como How To Survive a Robot Uprising y Where's My Jetpack?: A Guide to the Amazing Science Fiction Future That Never Arrived


Anónimo ha dicho que…
me encantaaaaa!
syl ha dicho que…
tú ríete pero cuando se te acerque un alien, un ninja o un zombie...te acordarás de este libro :)